IntellaPac Pro
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Return ON Investment

IntellaPac provides solid, measurable financial benefit within the first year after implementation. Packaging costs from 15-80% or more of total product costs. Time to market for new products, for most companies is critical. Reduce packaging review and approval process time on new products, particularly line extensions, from months/weeks to days. Enrich significantly the forecasting and planning effect of packaging changes on the balance of the product portfolio. Packaging is a critical component of a successful product, yet responsibility for it is often times fragmented and spread throughout the enterprise and supply chain resulting in extended costs. Budgeting control of total packaging costs is difficult. IntellaPac will allow you to decrease your packaging costs by standardizing them across facilities, business units and vendors, thus have a better advantage of quantity breaks and tracking vendor performance. Additionally, you can now evaluate all manner of packaging alternatives, enabling better purchasing decisions.Packaging is a part of a company’s new product development process. Improving the packaging development component can shorten the time to market. Customer satisfaction increases based on improved on-time delivery, increased quality, shortened delivery times, etc..

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Contact Info
IntellaPac, PRO.
1383 Dublin Rd. Columbus, Oh. 43215