IntellaPac Pro
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Why Choose IntellaPac
"The Issue"

Reducing packaging costs and getting products to market quicker is today’s biggest concern when packaging costs may represent up to 90% of the overall product cost.

Without a central database repository and without the ability to connect internal and external business processes it is difficult to provide accurate and timely information throughout the product life cycle.

In today’s supply chain there are a multitude of departments, suppliers, co-packers both internally and externally that need to collaborate to get a product out the door and into the hands of the end customer. The ability to get the product to the customer is often hindered by inefficiencies as:
Slow execution of speed to market initiatives due to lack of readily available information.
Poor communication between decision makers.
Poor or no communication between ERP systems and stand alone systems.
Existence of multiple systems in different divisions or multiple locations.
Lack of remote access and synchronization.
Inability to send/receive and share information with customers, suppliers and disburse to internal staff in real time.

"The Need"

Today, packaging costs represent at least 20% to 90% of finished good costs.
WE NEED to gain better control and understanding of this area.

Technology is the avenue needed to raise you to the next level.

"The Technology Solution"
IntellaPac Pro

Contact Us
Contact Info
IntellaPac, PRO.
1383 Dublin Rd. Columbus, Oh. 43215